I hoisted the Godalming Bazaar banner outside of the Borough Hall for the last event of this year, stood back to check all was okay only to see that the date I had put on said 6 December 2015! I am taking bookings for next year, but think my banner advertising is a little premature.

I dropped into the Normandy Scouts Christmas Fair this afternoon - very busy and clearly very well supported by mums, dads, sisters, brothers and other relatives. A wide variety of items for sale: cakes, cards, fruit, vegetables, jewellery, etc. My cake-making friend was taking part and her cheese scones looked very tempting.
Back to work now, more bags to decorate, more wreaths to make and if time permits, scented candles to make too. I made the following wreath yesterday and although the ribbon is dark green, it seems to have taken on the blue colour of the butterflies when photographed, and also when viewed in natural light. Very unusual.
I am joining up with Handmade Monday this week and look forward to seeing how the crafting bloggers are doing with their Christmas work. I must try to get back into the blogging habit - I do enjoy it, but it does seem to make its way frequently to the bottom of the To-Do's that are in my head.
Have a good week everyone - if you live in or near to Godalming, it would be lovely to see you at the Bazaar next Saturday and don't forget this is Small Business Saturday, so a great opportunity to support lots of local small businesses.