Hello everyone

My blog disappeared! I have spent many weeks trying to locate it, on my own, with the help of Blogger/Google and have been tempted many times to throw my computer out of the window - I am sure many of you understand this feeling? However, I am the first to admit that computers are not to blame, it is we humans who do most of the damage. It turned out to be a different email address I had opened and for some crazy reason had used it to access my blog - er, why? I really don't know, but I am so pleased that I have now solved the problem and can access my old blog posts. I know the authors hoping to win next year's Booker Prize have nothing to worry about, but not being able to access the blog meant I could not update any information about events, layout, etc. You can probably hear the sigh of relief and feel the warmth from my very red face. I am now one happy blogger.

Since my last blog post, which must have been, oh years and years ago, I have had an event at a new venue: the Wilfrid Noyce Centre (WNC) in Godalming. A lovely venue that was refurbished earlier this year and now has two great halls; the main one has lots of light and plenty of room. It has a very smart brand new kitchen, which makes setting up our pop-up cafe very easy. We have a great caretaker who helps us set up and pack away - what more could we ask for in a venue?
Our next event in the WNC is on 5 November. I have been trying to arrange a Best Guy competition to take place during the event, but the response has been disappointing. I put a couple of posts out asking for local Godalming businesses to support the event, but sadly, nothing. My plan is for it to be on a quid pro quo basis of mutual benefit to everyone involved, so Godalming businesses if you are interested please do get in touch. Just a small gift, promotion for the event and plenty of advertising from me both before and after the event.

In addition to new venues, it has been a very sad time here in Christmas Pie. One of our neighbours, who would have celebrated her 101st birthday next month, died last week. This was closely followed by the loss of a distant family member and as we were thinking that unhappy events tends to go in threes, we received the very sad news that a favourite uncle passed away on Friday.

This time of year is always busy for me, both on the organising of events side as well as the taking part in events side. On Saturday, 29 October I am taking part in the
Woking Cats Protection Christmas Fayre in the New Haw Community Centre, Woodham Lane, Addlestone, KT15 3ND. If you are free on that day, why not come along and buy some of the goodies there will be for sale in support of our kittens and cats. There will be lots of lovely stalls selling gorgeous things, a chocolate tombola and I understand there will be bacon sandwiches.
Have a great week everyone - I will definitely be back next week because I now know how to get into my blog.
Welcome back! I wish you lots of happy shoppers at your events coming up. Good luck x.