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Wednesday 11 July 2012


Hi everyone

What a gorgeous day.  So far, so good.  I keep checking the BBC weather website to see how things are going for the rest of the week as I am very concerned about the weather on Saturday.  The event (Marriage of Figaro at Farnham Castle) will go ahead no matter what the weather, but I am hoping it will at least stop raining during the performance.

We live not very far from Farnborough and often get to see the air displays for the Air Show as they fly over our garden.  As the private jets fly to and fro, we get the chance to choose the one we will buy!  A bit pie in the sky, but we can dream.  During the public days we are in the flight path of some of the displays and as you can imagine it is very exciting.  I did investigate having a stall at this year's show as they are having a Craft Tent.  I decided against it as I felt that although people may buy items on impulse at craft events, they are not necessarily going to this sort of event to buy anything that is not plane-related.

I had lunch with two friends on Monday - our lunches are long chatty sessions that very often end near to tea-time.  We went to the Harrow in Compton and I was amazed (and pleased for the owners) how busy it was for a Monday.  So many reserved tables (and they all turned up), I think we should have booked.  The food is good and the pub has a nice atmosphere.  I wore my recently made earrings and I was really pleased when both friends placed orders for a pair each.  One friend wants a pair for herself (she gave me a specific design) and the other friend wants a pair for her daughter, in a similar style to the ones I was wearing.  I don't intend making jewellery as part of my business as I feel there is too much competition, but the occasional order will be welcome.

I have 2 card orders and 1 bag order that I must finish today, but also want to try to get a little gardening done as the weather is good at the moment.  Fingers crossed I might just get some plants planted that have been waiting patiently for a few days.

Do you fancy being a guest blogger on my blog?  If yes, please get in touch on  Have a look at some of the recent guest posts - they are all great and I am sure you will really enjoy reading them.

I will be back with my main post on Sunday; don't forget to check back on Friday for this week's guest blogger's post.



  1. We have seen quite a display from Farnborough this week.

    As for the weekend weather, it's way too soon to get an accurate forecast. My top tip, plan for a deluge and be delighted when it's a fine evening :-)

    Great news on your crafty bits x.

  2. Boat, oars, life jackets at the ready. You just never know when you may need them.

  3. Well done on the orders. Like you Lee managed to get out into the garden in the afternoon then the day ended with thunder last night but the air feels clearer.

    We get the air show displays as well and must admit they can be fantastic but also very noisy.

    have a good week

    1. It has been, as always, spectacular. Public days yesterday and today so looking forward to the fly-past.


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