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Wednesday 24 October 2012


Hi everyone

What a great day to start my Thursday cat-related posts, it's National Black Cat Day.

Cats Protection has many black cats and kittens (and other 'colours' too of course) in the various places they are being fostered and I know lots of people will be helping them find new homes, but my post today is specifically to support Woking Cats Protection's black cats.  Have a look at the website and you will see the following gorgeous kittens:

Almost needless to say, you can guess who they have been named after.  They are brothers and sister and are three and a half months old.  Aren't they lovely?  You can find out more about them by clicking on their name link under each photograph.  If you or someone you know is thinking of adopting a kitten please contact the Woking Branch for details of Mo, Jessica and Bradley - the telephone number is on the website.

Woking Cats Protection are holding their Christmas Fayre on Saturday, 27 October 2012 - come along and get some early Christmas shopping done and meet some of the great volunteers who give up lots of their time to help and support cats and kittens and find them lovely new homes.

So, Happy Black Cat Day - let's hope lots of you get new homes today.



  1. Great work, Jill. How many cats are there in the shelter at the moment?

    1. Not too sure how many at the moment, as the number is always changing. CP doesn't have shelters unfortunately, all kittens and cats are kept in volunteer's homes or pens in their garden.

  2. ooooh my word I have a feeling you are going to melt my heart with these new posts! I would have all the kitties if I could. I would love to foster cats like you do but I fear my cats would not like it. They fight each other :(

    1. They are gorgeous and the lovely news is that Mo may be homed this week - I hope see.

  3. I really admire your work Jill, I'm glad there are people like you out there helping cat's find good homes.

    All of my cat's are rescued cats and I've just recently adopted my 5th cat (little Dude) he was severley underweight, had cat flu, conjunctivitus and we picked about 98 fleas off him.

    1. Thank you Wendy, that is kind of you.

      98 fleas?? The poor little thing, he must have been in agony. I love his name.

  4. So cute glad you live far away from me other wise I might just have even more felines.
    Maybe you can answer the question ...Do all black cats have atleast a couple of white hairs some where?xx

    1. That is interesting Angie, coz I have begun to notice that all the black cats and kittens I see have do have some white hairs. My last black kitten had a smattering of white hairs on his legs and Shadow, my neighbour's black cat, has lots of white hairs.


Thank you for your comment - it is always lovely to have feedback and I hope you enjoyed my post.