I hope you like the falling leaves on my blog - I understand that on some people's computers the screen appears to be juddering. I promise it is not the falling leaves causing that - I have checked on two different platforms and on my PC it is fine, but on my iPad it judders. So I am guessing it doesn't like some systems.
Monkey and Damon have been adopted - I am so pleased for them, but will miss them very much. I took them to the vets this morning for a check-up, first inoculation and micro-chipping. They are all ready to go and their homing may take place tomorrow. Damon whinged all the way to the vet's, but settled down and snoozed on the way home - they clearly knew where they were going. Monkey couldn't get a meow in edge-ways!
The highlight of my day so far has been a email offering me 25% of £28.5 million if I hand over my bank accounts details! Hard to refuse isn't it! The worrying thing is that I am sure there are some people so desperate that they do fall for these emails.
A mini-mid-week-post today, off to try to get some more de-cluttering done. The problem is it is going so slowly that by the time I get back to it a whole new pile of stuff to de-clutter has appeared. One step forward and quite a few backwards. I wonder if Jazz and Daisy are moving things around?
Or perhaps a cup of coffee while I plan what I am going to do with £7 million would be a good idea.
Enjoy the rest of the week everyone, don't forget to come back on Friday to meet this week's guest blogger.
Talking of guest bloggers, it is the 11th birthday today of one of my favourite bloggers: Badger Boo. He is having BIG celebrations on his Facebook page, so why not drop in and wish him many happy returns of the day?
Thank you for the lovely mention about my Birthday Pawty Miss Jill **wraps paws round** (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteSo pleased to hear Monkey and Damon have found their forever homes so quickly.
I love the falling leaves and have been trying to catch them, until mummy saw what I was up too and moaned about my messy nose prints all over the screen.
It is actually very valuable "Dog Nose Art" on the screen not the mess mummy thinks it is BOL
I know exactly what you mean Badger boo - we have what we call the 'snot line' on our windows. I know it doesn't sound nice, but it comes from cats wandering along the window sills bopping their noses on the glass as they try to get a better look outside. Hope you have a lovely day.
Delete**giggles** My back door is a total work of art nose prints and foot prints but luckily she leaves them there for ages BOL
So good to hear that Monkey and Damon have found new homes. Perhaps Jazz and Daisy will settle down for a bit and stop moving things about, behind your back ;-)
ReplyDeleteWe are just wet today ...very wet but I do remember the terrible storm of way back ...has to be about 27/28 years ago. We lived in England then ... in the SE. We lay in bed listening to the tiles slipping off the roof and smashing below and when we got up in the morning to face things, there were trees down and cars flattened. Seven Oaks lost several of its famous aged oaks I believe ...a storm never to forget.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad yur kittens found good homes ...if it had been me I would not have been able to part with them ...thats why I have 20 lol xx
Glad Monkey and Damon have been rehoused. They were so cute, I didn't think it would be very long! You don't want 7 million. Just think of all the problems you would inherit!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Monkey and Damon! You must have the touch because kitties don't stay long with you before they find a forever home. Now... when you get all that money, ya think ya might send your favorite arctic dog some cookies?
ReplyDeleteHi Jill, hope your well? have you spent all that cash yet? lol!!
ReplyDeleteI love the leaves!
did i tell you my dear little cat got killed? he was run over Jill i have been so sad ever since and the other cat "Chad" keeps looking for him!