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Thursday 6 March 2014


Hello everyone

A day late!  Tut tut!  It was such a lovely sunny day yesterday that I spent lots of time outside.  I did remember to bring home a present for Jill though - a rather large bone!  Almost needless to say, she was very ungrateful!  What is it with humans?

We have two new foster kittens - Jill got to name these two and she has called them Jasmine and Primrose.  They are 14-week old sisters with very shiny black fur and they already have someone coming to view them early next week.  So by this time next week, they may already be in their new home and I could be writing about some new foster kittens.

Jill's friend Jackie came to pick her up yesterday evening as they were going to the ballet: Romeo and Juliet.  I haven't met Romeo and Juliet so I am guessing they must live somewhere outside of Christmas Pie.  Actually, apart from not knowing them I have no idea what ballet is either.  Jackie bought some treats for us - thank you Jackie, you can definitely come again, and again and again.

That's my blog for this week - just time for me to have a run around the garden before tea time.  Have a good week everyone - see you next week.


1 comment:

  1. Oooo,the ballet. How nice for Jill. Take care to show Jasmine and Primrose the ropes ;-)


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