Have you had a chance to read my latest guest blogger's post? Thank you Zofia for a great post. What do you think - are women better blogger's than men? Zofia's post may be my last guest post for a while - unless any of my followers or fellow Handmade Mondayers (or new visitors?) would like to contribute? I have been really pleased how successful the Guest Blog spot has been and hope everyone has enjoyed it as much as I have. Hard to believe it has been running for six months and every post has been brilliant. Contrary to a recent comment, I feel the guest blog spot did 'take-off' and I am looking forward to posting and reading many more guest blog posts in the future. So, if anyone would like to join in, please do get in touch on christmaspiecrafts@virginmedia.com. Remember your post doesn't have to be craft-related, it could be about marketing, blogging, event organisation, a hobby you have, travel, or how about a book you have read - or even better one that you have written.
Last week was pretty hectic. Had a meal in Ripley with friends on Wednesday evening. The weather was great and we dined outside - sadly the staff seemed to forget the outside diners and service was a bit hit-and-miss at times. Not too much of a problem really as it was a mostly non-stop talking get-together. One of the friends I met up with is looking into starting a business making chutneys, relishes and jams - something she is very good at and feels she is ready for the next stage. Our next group get-together is going to be a tasting of her range - yum, yum.
Still on Thursday, a friend and I went to RHS Wisley for the evening. Wisley rarely opens after 5.30 pm - sometimes they have musical or special events, but it is rare that the gardens are open. During July, the gardens were open until 8.00 pm on four Thursdays and we had arranged to go to the last one. It was a gorgeous evening, hot, still very sunny and everywhere looked good. Surprisingly, it wasn't very busy and on arrival we discovered that a member's only Wine Tasting Event was taking place - not too sure how we missed out on that. Despite tickets still being available, we were both driving so unable to take part - but we did. We decided some sit-down and people-watching time was the way to take part. Surprising how many people think wine-tasting is to get as many glasses of wine drunk in as short a space of time as possible. Oh, well, they looked happy. Up to a few years ago, Richard was a professional wine taster, so I took home a set of the tasting notes for him.
The next couple of weeks will be very busy as in addition to the wedding invitations, I have jewellery to make, birthday cards, wedding anniversary cards and a thank you card to do as well. I am trying to set aside time to make Christmas stock because I am getting concerned that I may not have enough for the events I have booked. Although the main ones are not until November, my stock boxes are telling me that I need to get a move on.
We have had heavy rain, thunder-storms and a little hail so far today - just like summer really. I hope it doesn't last too long as I am sure there are many sports that will not benefit from wet weather. However, there are some very dry parts in my garden that are crying our for rain - tap water doesn't really do anything other than keep plants alive.
It's Handmade Monday time again, so don't forget to visit the other blogs and see what everyone has been working on during the past week. Don't forget to contact me if you want to give guest blogging a go. Enjoy the Olympics - I will be back on Wednesday.