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Wednesday 26 February 2014


Hello everyone

A very late and small Milly's diary this week.  I have been soooo busy looking after our foster kittens.

Noel went to his new home today - I did offer to take him, but Jill said it wasn't a good idea because his new family might want to take me too.  Twinkle and Holly go to their new home on Friday.  It won't be quiet on the fostering front for us though as we have two new kittens moving in on Monday - I will tell you all about them in my diary next week.

Now, what else have I been up to?  There has been lots of sunshine here - although we had very heavy hail storm yesterday.  Very odd - chunks of ice falling out of the sky!  Someone must have emptied their ice cube tray up there.  Jill said the weather is always bad when she goes to Farncombe Day Centre for her card-making work shop - trying to tell her something?  I pinched a bird from Coco - she had caught it and thought she was so clever!  You have to be quick to get one over on me.

Apart from that it has been the usual playing, playing and even more playing.  Oh, yes, forgot the occasional meal times and going to sleep at night, which I do in the bottom of Richard's wardrobe.  Well, he was very silly and put a couple of t-shirts on the floor and I decided that it was a comfy bed made for me!  Sorry, Richard, you won't get to wear them anymore.

Time for me to go to bed - it's been a long day here, ando I need my beauty sleep.  I will be back next week though, so have a good week everyone.



  1. Gosh, all of you at CPC are doing such a great job with the kitten fostering and re-homing x.

  2. Busy busy busy, glad the kittens all have new homes so quickly xxx


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