Blogger Templates


Wednesday 1 August 2012


Hi everyone

Despite promising myself that I would not watch too much television, it has been very hard not to sit glued to the Olympics.  I am not a big sports fan, but like most high-profile events, they just have to be watched, don't they?  I have been so impressed by the good humour of everyone, spectators are clearly enjoying their time in London and (so far, I hasten to add) the predicted problems on the roads seem to have either not occurred or have been very minor.  Lots more to watch, so come on Team GB.

In my last post, I forgot to write about my visit to see the potential workshop venue at the Normandy Therapy Garden.  It is such a lovely spot, gorgeous flowers and veggies all looking really healthy and well tended.  The room is a good size, naturally lit from two sides and perhaps my only concern is that it seems to be a bit of a thorough-fare to all other rooms in the building.  However, I don't think that will be a problem.  The catering facilities are good and there is plenty of outdoor space (tables and chairs available) to enjoy a coffee break or perhaps lunch for a full-day session.  I am advertising my sessions on Blink Collective and I will begin to promote them locally, on my blog and my website - when it is finished of course.

Possibly no Friday Guest blog post this week, but the good news is that I have three lovely bloggers who are currently writing posts and these will be posted from mid-August onwards.  Can I ask a favour of my previous guest bloggers please?  Would you mind very much mentioning the guest blog post on your blog and asking if any of your followers would like to join in?  Thank you - it would be lovely to get more people interested in what has proved to be a great 'event'

Working very hard on my wedding invitation order - I am really pleased with how it is going.  I have a deadline delivery date of Monday, 6 August for the wedding invitations and later in the month for the Orders of Service.  As you can imagine, it is all systems go at Christmas Pie Crafts.

Back to the invitations.  Do come back on Friday as you never know there may be a guest blog post and if you would like to be a guest blogger, do get in touch on

Enjoy the Olympics



  1. Exciting times! I am glad the venue was suitable and I am sure they will successful :) I will promote your guest post feature as much as I can

    Hannah x

  2. Thank you Hannah, I very much appreciate your support.

  3. Exciting (and busy) times for you.

    I would love to guest blog again. Work commitments are slowing down now, so I'll have a bit more time. Of course I will put a mention on my blog x.

  4. Thank you Lesley, that would be great. I love your blog posts.

  5. Oh I feel for you doing all those invitations, been there once not sure will revisit. As you know me and mass production do not go. Will put a note about the Friday guest spot on my Monday blog, hope you get some more takers as all good exposure.

  6. Enjoying it so far, feels a little automated at times. Good luck with the Craft Directory and many thanks fro posting about the Guest Blog Spot.

  7. It's really exciting to hear that you've found a venue for your craft sessions.
    Hope the progression with the wedding invitations is going well. I have to say we're all very distracted by the Olympics in our house. There's a constant update on how team GB is doing.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Ali x

    1. The venue has a lovely setting - bags of free parking too, which is good. Team GB doing brilliantly - what will we do after the Olympics?

  8. I'll try to remember to do that! Can I ask you to consider turning off that verification tool? It's quite annoying and makes me less likely to comment each time I visit. Thanks.


Thank you for your comment - it is always lovely to have feedback and I hope you enjoyed my post.